We need your help!
We all have a fundamental right to work in an environment where risks to health and safety are properly managed and controlled.
Our Scottish Hazards Centre offers advice and support and is working to reduce injury, ill health and death caused by work; making sure that every worker returns from work as healthy as when they left home to go to work.
Your monthly support for our charity will help us continue and expand our life-saving work and ensure we can meet the demands for our services.
Help us make Scotland a safer place to live and to work.
Our Scottish Hazards Centre costs £200 per day to operate.
And so, to our ask…are you in a position to commit to a monthly £3 donation, or more, towards ensuring that preventative health and safety advice and support through the Scottish Hazards Centre can be provided to those most in need?
We help those who:
- work across all ages, races, religions, industries/sectors etc
- are being told to work in conditions they report as unsafe or which are making them physically or mentally unwell
- are threatened with discipline or dismissal for raising health and safety concerns
- are reluctant to raise these concerns without support
- along with employers, seeking advice about how to keep their employees safe
Your donation makes a huge difference and will be used to prevent harm to current and future workers in Scotland. We will also provide regular updates on our work and send information about our events directly to your inbox.
Please click the button below to help protect Scotland's workers.
Trade Union Affiliation
None of our work to date would have been possible without the support we already receive from Scottish Trade Union Branches.
Research shows that unionised workplaces and those with trade union safety reps are safer and healthier as a result. Our support is targeted at those who are currently without access to the sort of expertise trade union membership can provide, but always with the message that union workplaces are safer workplaces and strong encouragement to trade union membership once we have solved the concerns they approached us about.
We have many examples of callers who have since gone on to join trade unions after engagement with Scottish Hazards, and we are working in partnership with several trade union branches on projects to enhance health and safety training, risk assessment, and available resources.