We all Live in Bhopal
In his beautiful and haunting photographs, Judah Passow has captured the legacy of the 1984 Bhopal Gas Disaster, but also of the resilience and courage of Bhopalis who continue their struggles for justice, good health care, and a toxics free environment.
40 years after the disaster, we are responding to the Bhopal survivors’ assertion that ‘we all live in Bhopal’ by highlighting ongoing campaigns that are tackling misuse of toxic substances around the world and raising the voices of the workers, the communities and the environments that suffer as a result.
We are highlighting four international campaigns:
Good Electronics
A network that “connects and empowers organisations and individuals to improve human rights in the global electronics supply chain”, and specifically The South Korean NGO SHARPS – Supporters for the Health and Right of People in Semiconductor Industry –a vibrant campaign working to force Samsung to better protect its workers from occupational cancer.
No More Victims – Dust Kills
The Asian Network for the Rights of Occupational and Environmental Victims (ANROEV) campaign and others around the world (including Scotland) fighting for better protection for those who work with Silica.
System Change Not Climate Change
Friends of the Earth and other international campaigns calling for action to protect environments and communities from the impact of unbridled extraction of oil, gas and other natural resources.
Toxics Use Reduction
A call for the Scottish Government to adopt a Toxics Use Reduction Strategy (TUR strategy), based on international examples, which would provide resources and tools to help businesses, local authorities and communities to find safer alternatives to toxic chemicals.
In 1984, the Bhopal Gas Disaster killed 25,000 and many more live with the toxic legacy to this day. In this the 40th anniversary year, we pledge to fight for toxics free workplaces, a toxics free Scotland and a toxics free world.
Contact details Kathy Jenkins Trade Union Friends of Bhopal and Scottish Hazards secretary@hazards.scot 0131 477 0817/07988850230 |