Lidl in Greenock have been hit with a prohibition notice for failing to implement adequate social distancing measures and failing to follow advice given after previous visits identified failings.
Something that strikes us from this Greenock Telegraph article is the apparent lack of engagement with shop floor workers by local Lidl management at their store in Greenock. Workers had previously suggested closing aisles to allow for safe shelf filling, keeping staff and customers safe with management saying this could not be done for fire safety reasons. Was advice sought from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Services, was there any engagement with workers to investigate alternative solutions to these social distancing concerns, it would appear not to be the case.
Stuart McMillan MSP had written to Lidl and other supermarkets, following concerns raised by constituents, commending the work they are doing to keep essential goods available to the public but emphasizing the need to protect the health and safety of workers and customers. This Lidl store did not respond, although they claim to have done so.
Now supermarkets are extending opening hours as we get back to normal and suitable and sufficient risk assessments have to place if non essential shops are to reopen, but yet here is a large essential retailer that cannot get it right.
Scottish Hazards would put forward a solution for all supermarkets, close for 2 hours in the early afternoon to replenish stock. The tills would stop ringing obviously but a major contact risk would be removed
But Lidl apparently can get it right if it wants to, in the first planned (announced visit) by Environmental Health Officers from Inverclyde Council found nothing of concern yet follow up, unannounced visits highlighted failures so serious they led to officers issuing the most serious form of enforcement notice available to inspectors, short of prosecution.
There must have been high panic levels in local management when the EHO’s announced they were coming yet they managed to ensure adequate measures were in place for the measure were put in place. Why can’t these measures be the norm? Why were standards immediately allowed to slip? Answer, probably because they thought they would not get a follow up, unannounced visit.
The Scottish Government has now issued COVID-19 retail sector guidance and management at very level in Lidl should have a look at this, at the very outset it says “you need to carry out an appropriate COVID-19 risk assessment, just as you would for other health and safety related hazards. This risk assessment should be undertaken in consultation with trade unions, employee representatives or employees”.
It makes you wonder if they can get COVID-19 risk assessment so wrong that they become the first household name we are aware of to be issued with a COVID-19 prohibition notice, what about their procedures for wider health and safety management.
But this lack of engagement with staff or trade unions goes far deeper than than COVID-19. The company have repeatedly refused to engage with shop workers union USDAW at any level let alone have any discussion on trade union recognition. Now, more than ever Lidl workers need to be in a trade union to protect their safety and ensure they are treated fairly at work. USDAW have been campaigning for many years for the right to represent their members in the company, sadly up till now these approaches have fallen on deaf ears.
If you work in a non-unionised retail outlet, please join one, if you are not sure which one details can be found here.
Workers in Lidl need a voice they need to be in a trade union that will challenge irresponsible health and safety practices at every level of the employers organisation, Lidl workers need to organise to ensure they are involved in any decisions that impact on their health, safety and wellbeing.
But not all retail workers work in big retail operations, trade unionised or otherwise and Scottish Hazards are here to provide support and assistance to those workers as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and non essential shops begin to reopen.
If you are working, or due to go back to work and have COVID-19 health and safety concerns phone our helpline 0800 0015 022, meanwhile have a look at our video giving COVID-19 advice for retail workers.
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